Sunday, February 1, 2009

Limb 3 --------- Asana

Comfort, steadiness, alertness, awareness and lightness are important elements in a vital and fulfilled life. Asana offers these specific elements as well as the ability to locate knots in the body and release them.

In performing asana we must proceed carefully. If we attempt to force the body, we lose the breath control and in turn the steadiness of mind control. The body can accept an asana at its own predetermined rate, beyond which there will be a loss in physical and physiological health.

Emotions such as fear resist the development of asana. When a student is being adjusted in an asana they may be saying to themselves, “I cannot do this”, or “I am too stiff”. These are affirmations which create determined pathways and attitudes of the mind. The teacher cannot respond to such restrictions, but through sensitive expression can move the student beyond these self set limitations. In the process, especially in Hatha Yoga practice, many emotions are experienced: anger, fear, resentment and wonder. The asana in this case is a reflection of a mental -script which is a blockage to the individual’s personal fulfilment in broader life.

Visualisation of asana is a very important element of practice. Our body and breath reflect our mind. Our mind reflects our body and breath. Therefore, our mental state during asana practice is a critical factor in undertaking an asana correctly.

Not only do we visualise the finished asana, but we visualise the energy flow within the body. We may even visualise the release of tight, knotted areas and the corresponding blood flow through those starved tissues.

Asanas are not only meditative, they are a valuable tool for the maintenance of health and circulation throughout the body. They also make sure day-to-day life and necessary body functions are optimised. Different asana perform different functions, yet they all make the body and mind more adaptable to changing circumstances, and this is a vital factor in a changing and dynamic environment.

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