Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Salute to the Sun … Suryanamaskara

During the practice of the sun salutation or as it’s known in its traditional form -Suryanamaskara - nearly every muscle, organ and tissue of the body is activated, stimulated and awakened. Energy flows, vitality is stimulated, heart rate is increased and the vital forces of life are distributed throughout the body. This is a great motivation for the practice of the sun salutation series in the morning, and a magnificent way to wake and honour the body both internally and externally.

During this practice, the body is opened and closed in a sequence of forward and backward bends which massage our internal organs, improving digestion and tone of the abdomen.

Salute to the Sun - the Practice...
As we draw our arms to the sky we look up to acknowledge the intelligence beyond, the greater order, the truth, creation and love. We salute the source and acknowledge its passage through our body.

We draw down our arms, palms together, touching our heart Centre as we pass to touch the floor. Here we have drawn the power of creation from the above and beyond to the below and within. We humble ourselves to the source as we hold our hands to the earth acknowledging that: “nothing comes from me, only through me”.

We jump back into the crocodile and here honour nature, the animal world and the essence of life stored within. We raise our body bending our back into an upward dog pose opening the chest and in so doing freeing the heart to the flow of love from the sun, the entry source of life forms, flow within and birth love in our hearts. We roll back into the downward dog again humbling ourselves to creation before jumping forward and completing the cycle with the same positions holding meaning.

“I bow to the source of all creation acknowledging that what is within me is a gift, a true gift of life and ultimately, love.”

Traditionally, a salute to the sun is done at dawn, the Brahman hour. This is the time before sunrise, a time we can take to reflect on the source of life. The sun gives life force and vitality to us all, it is the rest metaphor for unconditional love reflected in nature.

Our thoughts are reflected in our body, our thoughts reflect our consciousness which in turn is a reflection of our attitude. Attitude has the power to transform our lives, to change the very essence of our experience of life. During the sun salutation we have the opportunity to focus on an attitude of Gratitude, the opportunity to use the focus of the sun to transform these movements from mere exercise to a prayer.

When our heart is filled with gratitude for nature - in this specific case the sun - we open ourselves to a consciousness beyond and in these moments we bathe in universal love; in the fullness of life. Therefore in the practice of Surya Namaskar , as in all Yoga Asana, the thoughts we have are as vital an element as is breath as the physical movement.

This is an opportunity to stop; to appreciate what has been given to us in our lives; to open to the greater truth and to the magic and order of this universe, this world, this country, this city, this family and this life. Here in the act of movement and breath is the opportunity to unite body, mind and thought (spirit) in a celebration of life and in so doing absorb universal essence.

Power Within and Without
This salute to the sun is one of the most powerful of all Yoga movements. Practiced every morning it moves, stretches, strengthens and activates every muscle in the body; The salute to the sun is an amazing exercise and a Yoga session in itself and the benefits as listed below a re so numerous and all encompassing that just reading through them is cause for excitement; excitement that these body restoring benefits are easily within our reach.

The Practical Benefits of Salute to the Sun
  • May be practice by anyone and everyone, singly or in a group, and it can be practiced any time in the year, inside and outside.
  • It takes about three to ten minutes a day.
  • It acts on the whole body, the total organism.
  • Does not cause fatigue or breathlessness.
  • It costs nothing there is no need for burdensome equipment.
  • All you need is a space measuring two square metres.
  • It helps to promote sleep.
  • The memory improves.
Health and Higher Plane Benefits
  • It can be used to prepare you for asanas or it completes them.
  • It tones up the muscles.
  • It strengthens the respiratory system
  • It tones the cardiac rhythm.
  • It tones up the digestive system by the alternate stretching and compression of the abdominal region;
  • It massages the liver, stomach, spleen, intestines and kidneys.
  • It activates the digestion and gets rid of constipation and dyspepsia.
  • It strengthens the abdominal muscles and by doing so holds the organs in place.
  • Blood stoppages in the abdominal organs are eliminated.
  • Thoroughly ventilates the lungs
  • Oxygenates the blood.
  • Acts as a detoxifier.
  • It gets rid of an enormous quantity of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
  • It steps up cardiac activity and the flow blood throughout the system
  • Builds incredible health of the body.
  • It combats hypertension and stress.
  • It warms the extremities and improves blood circulation.
  • It tones up the nervous system by stretching and bending the spinal column;
  • It regulates the functions of the sympathetic and the para- sympathetic systems.
  • It reduces worry and calms anxiety.
  • It stimulates and normalises the activity of the endocrine glands including the thyroid.
  • It refreshes the skin so that it takes on a youthful glow.
  • It eliminates toxin through the skin with slight internally generates sweating.
  • Profuse sweat can be induced for significant health development.
  • It improves the muscles structure throughout the body; neck, shoulders, arms,wrists, back, abdominal wall, as well as the feet, calves and ankles, without inducing hardening hypertrophy in the muscles.
  • It strengthens the back.
  • Changes the appearance and shape of the bust in women. The breast develops normally and becomes firm, regaining any lost elasticity.
  • It stimulates chest and breast glands and strengthens pectoral muscles.
  • It controls activity in the uterus and ovaries.
  • It suppresses menstrual irregularity with its accompanying pain.
  • It normalises weight
  • It counter balances the effects of high healed shoes.
  • It prevents flat feet and strengthens the ankles.
  • Suryanamaskara gets rid of any fat especially the excess around the stomach, on the hips, thighs, the neck and chin.
  • Suryanamaskara reduces abnormal prominence of the Adam's apple;
  • It a eliminates unpleasant smells produced by the body by getting rid of toxins naturally through the skin, lungs, intestines and kidneys.
  • It increases immunity to disease.
  • It refines the proportions of the body.
  • It reduces excess fat.
  • Suryanamaskara builds grace and ease to the movements for the body.
  • It adds resilience and flexibility for sports of all kinds.
  • It maintains a spirited usefulness.
  • The Sun salute produces health, strength, ef ficiency and longevity which is the right of every human being.
  • It builds a superb health and vibrant energy.
  • It creates youth in the elderly
The Integrity of the Salute to the Sun
If Suryanamaskara is practiced with integrity and perseverance your life and the lives of those dear to you can be enhanced with vigour and happiness. If you already know and practice Salute to the Sun, now is your opportunity to perform it more honestly and more often than ever before.

Even expectant mothers may practice Suryanamaskara at least until the beginning of the fifth month. After the birth seek advice from the doctor and gradually reinstate your practice.

Concentration is essential and a conscious mind must play an active role in every movement. You must n ot think of any thing else and you should avoid all distractions and interruptions. Maintain an uninterrupted rhythm through the succession of salutations. The first ones, especially in the morning may be slower and less developed as muscles maybe sluggish.

It is advisable to face the rising sun, or at least, to turn towards the east. Think of and concentrate on the sun, which is the great source of life. Your entire energy springs from its rays.
At some given moment, every atom of your body was once part of a sun. Focus your mind on the cosmic forces radiated by the sun. In this state of mind the benefits of the salutation is heightened. You are filled with a spirit that transforms a seemingly ordinary muscular exercise into something which involves the whole personality.

It is essential to coordinate and synchronise the breath with the movements

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