Saturday, January 31, 2009

Nose Cleaning

Keeping the nasal passages clean is a necessary part of the Complete Breathing Process. There are several methods that can be used, however some may take more expertise than others. Begin with the simpler procedures.

  • A favourite Oriental method of keeping the nostrils clean and free from impurities, is to snuff a little water up the nostrils and allowing it to run down the passage into the throat and then ejecting through the mouth.

Some Hindu Yogis immerse the face in a bowl of water using a suction-like method to draw in quite a quantity of water, but this method requires considerable practice.
  • Open the window and breath freely, closing one nostril with the finger or thumb and sniffing up the air through the open nostril. Then repeat the process on the other nostril.

  • If the breathing is inhibited by ailments such as catarrh, it is well to apply a little vasaline or camphor ice or similar preparation to the outer nasal area. Or alternately, sniff up a little witchhazel extract once in a while and this should afford a marked improvement.

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