Occultists have always taught that a substance or principle existed in the air from which all activity , vitality and life was derived. Thus we now focus upon “Prana”, the Sanskrit term meaning “Absolute Energy”.
We understand Prana to be the principle of energy exhibited in all living things - the characteristic which distinguishes them from a lifeless thing. We refer to it as the Vital Force. It is found in all forms of life, from the amoeba to man, from the most elementary form of plant life to the highest form of animal life. Prana is all pervading.
Prana must not be confused with the Ego – that bit of Divine Spirit in every soul, around which clusters energy and matter. When the Ego leaves the body, the Prana, being no longer under its control, responds only to the orders of the individual atoms or groups of atoms forming the body. With the Ego in control, cohesion exists and the atoms are held together by the Will of the Ego.
Prana is the name by which we designate a universal principle. This principle is the essence of all motion, force or energy. It is manifested in gravitation, electricity, the revolution of the planets, and all forms of life, from the highest to the lowest. It may be called the soul of Force and Energy in all their forms.
The Hebrew writer of the book of Genesis knew the difference between the atmospheric
air and the mysterious and potent principle contained within it. He speaks of “neshemet ruach chaytm”, which, translated, means “the breath of the spirit of life”.
We are constantly inhaling the air charged with Prana and are constantly extracting the latter from the air and appropriating it to our uses. In ordinary breathing, we absorb and extract a normal supply of Prana, but by controlled and regulated breathing (generally known as Yogi breathing) we are able to extract a greater supply which is stored away in the brain and nerve centers to be used when necessary. Simply put, we may store away Prana just as the storage battery stores away electricity. One who has mastered the science of storing away Prana, either consciously or unconsciously, radiates vitality and strength. It is a magnetism which is felt by those coming into contact with that person, who in turn unconsciously bestows increased vitality and health to those in their aura. What is called “magnetic
healing” is performed in this way, although many practitioners are not aware of the source of their power.
Just as oxygenated blood is carried to all parts of the system and constantly building up and replenishing, so is the Prana carried to all parts of the nervous system, adding strength and vitality. The supply of Prana taken up by the nervous system i s exhausted by our thinking,willing and acting, making constant replenishing forever necessary.
Prana is cosmic energy, the dynamism of life.
According to the Yogis, Prana is present not only in the air, but in our food, in our water and in our sunlight. It has no chemical or physical form but it is our true nourishment, for without Prana there can be no life.
Not only does this energy exist, but it can be stored in the nervous system and through yoga the current of Prana can be directed at will. T he science of controlling Prana is called Pranayama. To interpret this as breathing exercises would be severely limiting the scope of the practice and its true purpose.
Worry, stress, anxiety, nervous tension, mind noise and over-exertion lead to the dissipation of Prana from your body. Continual abuse of the body through these mechanisms leads to the blockage of the nadis and therefore an incapacity to recuperate and remain vital.
Kundalini is the force of fire, Prana the power of the Sun. Can you imagine what would happen if the body were not prepared for such force? If, for example one of the chakras were not cleared and through some teaching process the full forces of prana were awakened?
Prana obeys thought.
One of the most remarkable discoveries of the Yogis is that Prana obeys thought.
To put it another way concentrated thought allows us to absorb a larger amount of Prana. In this connection Hatha Yoga, of which Pranayama is the backbone, combines with Raja Yoga, the Yoga of the mind, since the mind can consciously direct absorption, storage and distribution of Prana in the body.
Prana is the sum total of all the energy of the universe.
Prana is undifferentiated universal energy, magnetism, electricity, gravity.
We exist in an ocean of Prana where every living thing is a vortex.
We understand Prana to be the principle of energy exhibited in all living things - the characteristic which distinguishes them from a lifeless thing. We refer to it as the Vital Force. It is found in all forms of life, from the amoeba to man, from the most elementary form of plant life to the highest form of animal life. Prana is all pervading.
Prana must not be confused with the Ego – that bit of Divine Spirit in every soul, around which clusters energy and matter. When the Ego leaves the body, the Prana, being no longer under its control, responds only to the orders of the individual atoms or groups of atoms forming the body. With the Ego in control, cohesion exists and the atoms are held together by the Will of the Ego.
Prana is the name by which we designate a universal principle. This principle is the essence of all motion, force or energy. It is manifested in gravitation, electricity, the revolution of the planets, and all forms of life, from the highest to the lowest. It may be called the soul of Force and Energy in all their forms.
The Hebrew writer of the book of Genesis knew the difference between the atmospheric
air and the mysterious and potent principle contained within it. He speaks of “neshemet ruach chaytm”, which, translated, means “the breath of the spirit of life”.
We are constantly inhaling the air charged with Prana and are constantly extracting the latter from the air and appropriating it to our uses. In ordinary breathing, we absorb and extract a normal supply of Prana, but by controlled and regulated breathing (generally known as Yogi breathing) we are able to extract a greater supply which is stored away in the brain and nerve centers to be used when necessary. Simply put, we may store away Prana just as the storage battery stores away electricity. One who has mastered the science of storing away Prana, either consciously or unconsciously, radiates vitality and strength. It is a magnetism which is felt by those coming into contact with that person, who in turn unconsciously bestows increased vitality and health to those in their aura. What is called “magnetic
healing” is performed in this way, although many practitioners are not aware of the source of their power.
Just as oxygenated blood is carried to all parts of the system and constantly building up and replenishing, so is the Prana carried to all parts of the nervous system, adding strength and vitality. The supply of Prana taken up by the nervous system i s exhausted by our thinking,willing and acting, making constant replenishing forever necessary.
Prana is cosmic energy, the dynamism of life.
According to the Yogis, Prana is present not only in the air, but in our food, in our water and in our sunlight. It has no chemical or physical form but it is our true nourishment, for without Prana there can be no life.
Not only does this energy exist, but it can be stored in the nervous system and through yoga the current of Prana can be directed at will. T he science of controlling Prana is called Pranayama. To interpret this as breathing exercises would be severely limiting the scope of the practice and its true purpose.
Worry, stress, anxiety, nervous tension, mind noise and over-exertion lead to the dissipation of Prana from your body. Continual abuse of the body through these mechanisms leads to the blockage of the nadis and therefore an incapacity to recuperate and remain vital.
Kundalini is the force of fire, Prana the power of the Sun. Can you imagine what would happen if the body were not prepared for such force? If, for example one of the chakras were not cleared and through some teaching process the full forces of prana were awakened?
Prana obeys thought.
One of the most remarkable discoveries of the Yogis is that Prana obeys thought.
To put it another way concentrated thought allows us to absorb a larger amount of Prana. In this connection Hatha Yoga, of which Pranayama is the backbone, combines with Raja Yoga, the Yoga of the mind, since the mind can consciously direct absorption, storage and distribution of Prana in the body.
Prana is the sum total of all the energy of the universe.
Prana is undifferentiated universal energy, magnetism, electricity, gravity.
We exist in an ocean of Prana where every living thing is a vortex.
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